Carolina Clay Connection

Curbside pickup available. Open for orders to be picked up:

  • Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
  • Sat: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Closed: Tues, Thurs, Sun
Address: 208 N Polk St, Pineville, NC 28134
Phone: 704-376-7221

Location: Just south of Charlotte, near Carolina Place Mall, in the old Tyndall Furniture building.

For orders, e-mail or call. Masks optional unless otherwise noted. We also ship orders. E-mail us with questions.

Note: Some items may have delays due to supply chain issues. Shipping costs have risen. For availability, call or e-mail.

Pottery Classes: 8-week sessions, $250 (includes 25# clay, firing, instruction).

  • Morning: 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Afternoon: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Evening: 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Call or e-mail for availability.

We offer a wide variety of pottery supplies: clays (Highwater, Standard, Laguna), wheels (Brent, Shimpo, Speedball), kilns (Skutt, Olympic), and glazes (Amaco, Mayco, Laguna, Spectrum, Coyote). Gift certificates available!

Highwater Clay Substitutions
See table below for options (formulas may vary, but should work). We keep most items in stock and order regularly.
Low Fire Highwater Standard Laguna
White Earthenware c/06-04 105 EM-103
White Earthenware c/06-04 105 (fine grog)
Earthen Red 103 & 104 (fine grog)
Mid Range Speckled Brownstone 112 & 760 (gray) Speckled Buff c/5
Brownstone 225
Desert Buff 553 WC-607 Miller 15
Little Loafers 240/240G WC-609
Porcelain c/6 365 WC-616 & WC-617
Earthen Red 214 WC-443 Smooth Red
High Fire Phoenix 153 & 182
Loafer’s Glory 181 B-Mix c/10
c/10 Porcelain 257

New Building:
Carolina Clay Connection's new building

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